The very first Webinar for 2022 that took place on the 9th of March 2022, sponsored by the IIWC and King Price was very well attended with 120+ enthusiastic participants from various sections of the short term insurance industry attending.

In the first session the well-known and extremely experienced Tim Timmerman from the Origin Financial Group expounded on the very interesting topic of Parametric Insurance Solutions as “Alternatives to Catastrophic Insurance”. It certainly had delegates think a bit differently about the solutions available in the market and possible sparked some ideas in a few minds.
The second session saw the extremely knowledgeable and accomplished Ria Furriel from King Price present on Community Business Insurance, focusing specifically on Sectional Title Insurance. Ria touched on the importance of the context of change where, from a client’s perspective claims prevention resulting in lower premiums is very much preferred versus claims coverage and high premiums. She also informed the audience on some of the innovative approaches to understanding and underwriting the “biggest bugbears” typically associated with these types of risk.
Every delegate will most certainly have walked away with new information and possibly even a few inspired ideas and concepts to apply in their day to day work environment!
As always it is highly recommended for any member of the short term insurance sector to attend the upcoming IIWC Webinars and Classroom sessions planned for the rest of the year, the next of these being on the 6th of April and 4th of May respectively.