Looking back at what the IIWC accomplished in 2022 can be encapsulated in a quote from Tony Robbinson: “Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year – and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!”
As each new year start, we have a vision of what we want to achieve and create, however, things do not always go according to plan. Heading up the events for the IIWC is no different, but I can honestly say that the things that didn’t work out made way for new events that will form part of the IIWC legacy. One of these events is our VIP Golf Day which was hosted at the prestigious Arabella Golf Estate in September 2022. This event was well received and cemented itself in the 2023 event calendar together with our Beach Cleanup and Fitness Events.
We paved an era of ‘firsts’ this year, with events that align with our vision to engage, enable and empower.
Our Gala Dinner was sold out in record time, affirming what we all feel – we want things to go back to pre-COVID-19. We are social creatures and benefit from networking!
We extend a heartfelt ‘Thank You’ to all our sponsors that made our 2022 events a success. During the tough financial times and uncertainty of South Africa and the world economy, we were still able to provide our Members with extraordinary events that were well attended and thoroughly enjoyed!